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The EEA has been the voice of equestrian employers

20th July 2023
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The Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) has been the voice of equestrian employers running a yard by composing a collective response to the Low Pay Commission’s (LPC) consultation on National Minimum Wage (NMW) rates.

The LPC is the independent body that advises the Government on the level of the minimum wage. They have been asked to recommend the National Minimum Wage (NMW) and National Living Wage (NLW) rates to apply from April 2024.

To inform the response, the EEA carried out a survey inviting all equestrian employers who manage a yard to take part and have their say on set pay thresholds. Equestrian industry workers were also invited to give their views on pay issues affecting them.

  The EEA met with the Commissioners of the LPC in person to give evidence relating to the impact of the NMW rises on the equestrian industry. The response from the panel was astounding. They were unaware of how many employees some businesses have, how large the wage bills can be given that the industry is looked at as a low paying one, and how a rise in the NMW can be crippling for some employers.

The purpose of the consultation is to gain evidence on the broad economic and labour market conditions that workers and businesses are facing, as well as the specific impacts of the rates themselves.

The EEA informed the LPC that 56% of equestrian employers said that if the NMW threshold was to be lowered in 2024 to age 21 then this would have a huge financial impact on their business.

The EEA says, “With 86% of workers telling us that low pay is the top reason for recruitment difficulties it is vital that the equestrian industry is represented within the LPC’s consultation. Meeting with the LPC Commissioners was hugely beneficial.

If the NMW rate rises continue, then this poses a real risk. Businesses will not be viable, there will be further non-compliance with NMW legislation, and we could see an increase in age-related discrimination, all of which is extremely concerning.”

To read the full results report from the survey please visit: equestrianemployers.org.uk/The-eea/research 



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