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“As a livery yard owner, the support from the EEA has been invaluable in the employment of our staff and the efficient running of the business.”

Day Dressage

EEA Member

“We decided we were going to do things differently, I just wasn't always sure how to do it! The EEA has all the solutions to employing staff legally.”

D & L Performance Horses

EEA Member

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The Equestrian Employers Association (EEA) is the organisation for you if you employ staff in the equestrian industry.

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New Strategic Plan focusing 100% on Good Employment

24th November 2022
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Following the highly successful Good Employment Week the EEA have launched the Strategic Plan for the next four years, focusing 100% on Good Employment. 

The new Strategic Plan sets out the commitment to move the equestrian industry to a place where only Good Employment is delivered and acceptable. 

As the world’s only organisation for those that employ equestrian staff, the EEA advocates, educates and supports Good Employment, as the only way to sustain the workforce of the equestrian industry.

“Our revised strategy focuses on helping our members to achieve and maintain the best standards and to promote best practice as the only acceptable norm in our equestrian industry. Our new Vision and Mission sets the tone of our plans for the future. We will continue to advocate, educate on and support Good Employment, as we positively believe that this is the only way to sustain the workforce of our industry.” Says Chairman of the EEA, Chris Hewlett.

The EEA educates employers to understand it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure that employment practices within the equestrian industry meet legal requirements, plus adhere to best practice. 

“A friendly working environment with mutual respect and professionalism, together with appreciation and recognition for all the hard work is key to ensure your team is happy and well-motivated.”
Carl Hester.

The new Strategic Plan outlines the Vision for the next four years, setting the tone of future plans to advocate, educate on and support Good Employment, as the only way to sustain the workforce of the equestrian industry. 

EEA Strategic Plan 2023 - 2027

Download and read our latest plan. 

The EEA's sister association the British Grooms Association (BGA), also has a new Strategic Plan to educate employers to provide Good Employment by being legal, fair and kind. 

By the end of 2027 the EEA expects the equestrian industry to be a place of only Good Employment.


Being EPIC

The BGA and the EEA work together to achieve their Vision as it requires collaboration to bring about change. Both organisations strive to be EPIC by delivering upon their values:

E – Excellence
P – Professionalism
I – Integrity
C – Communication


The EEA is here for you and your business. If you need support, you can get in touch with us at any time here.

If you’re not a member yet have a look at how we can help you, JOIN NOW for just £49.50.





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