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BGA Receives Industry Recognition

8th March 2018
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The BGA has been crowned finalist of the prestigious Sir Colin Spedding Award 2018, at the 2018 National Equine Forum (NEF).

The Sir Colin Spedding Award is presented annually to an exceptional equestrian individual or organisation whose outstanding qualities have not been formally acknowledged previously.

The BGA was shortlisted for the award for its contribution to the equestrian industry and singlehandedly raised the awareness of the importance of legal and good employment in the equestrian industry.

The winner of the award is Dr Simon Curtis FWCF who has been a practicing farrier in Newmarket, for 45 years and has lectured and demonstrated farriery all around the world.

Lucy Katan, Executive Director of the BGA said, “The team at the BGA is absolutely delighted to have been nominated for this award. Just to be recognised by the industry for the contribution the BGA has made to the industry is incredible. We are really excited about the future and delighted that we are being recognised for making a difference. Our congratulations go to Dr Simon Curtis.”

Lucy was first invited to speak at the NEF in 2003, passionately highlighting the challenges for the 1000’s of grooms that are the backbone of our equestrian industry. It is very fitting that 15 years later and with so much achieved the BGA would be recognised for such a prestigious award.

If you want to join the BGA in making a difference sign up today.







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